Community Growth Initiative
Congregation B'nai Torah is growing. We invite you to join our Shul and grow with us.
In January 2010, the B'nai Torah Community Growth Initiatve (BTCGI) was formed with the purpose of identifying concrete strategies and practical programs to address the current and future issues confronting B'nai Torah. Under the Rabbinic direction of Rabbi Yermiya Milevsky and the lay leadership of our Chair and Co-chairs, the Committee has worked with a number of task forces to develop successful initiatives in the following areas:
a. Tefillah - This Task Force has successfully organized a core group of B'nai Torah Ba'alei Tefillah who have recorded various new and uplifting Nigunim which they have shared with congregants, resulting in highly inspirational services which in turn have encouraged renewed respectful decorum. This committee is currently involved in designing new seating arrangements including an inviting Ezrat Nashim (womens section) on the main floor of the Shul.
b. Membership, Retention & Incentives - This Task Force has affirmed that there is renewed interest in B'nai Torah as an attractive option for individuals seeking a community-based synagogue where they can actively participate and meaningfully share in shaping the Shul as it grows and takes on many new and exciting initiatives. It has developed and is in the process of carrying out: a comprehensive recruitment strategy and plan targeted to areas within our neighborhood and beyond; an incentive program to make our Shul a more attractive destination to young couples and more established families; and identifying new and creative programs to reach out to new members. The monthly Rosh Chodesh Shul Kiddush and Shabbatons on compelling topics have been particularly successful in meeting the needs of our current membership as well as in engaging new potential members.
c. Communications - In order to promote our activities to the community, a comprehensive list of free communication outlets has been prepared by this Task Force to announce the extensive list of Shul programs. Greater and broader community visibility has been undertaken, eg. a billboard on Bathurst Street to announce programming, shiurim and events.
d. Website and Branding - This website is part of an overall program for building B'nai Torah's image, brand, and presence. Our goal is to reflect B'nai Torah as it is - a desirable, strong, well-established and welcoming Community. Please browse our site and enjoy the many facets of our Shul including our dynamic weekly calendar of events, an interactive site to engage individuals in interactions with our Rav - Rabbi Milevsky, and lots of information about our Community.