Thought of the Week: Ki Savo - 5780


The Talmud in tractate Megillah states in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar that "Ezra enacted for the Jewish people that they should read the portion of the curses that are recorded in Deuteronomy before Rosh HaShanah." The rabbis of the following generation wondered why indeed are the curses to be read before the beginning of the new year.  The scholar Abaye explained that "our goal is that the year conclude together with its curses, and the new year may begin without the ominous reading of the curses."

Although August has barely come to an end, we are very much in the spirit of the Yamim Noraim. Next Motzaei Shabbat, we begin the penitential prayers of the Selichot. At times, the significance of the season and mindfulness of the words we will be hearing in Shul in a few short days can overwhelm us. 

Yet, after hearing the words of the admonition of this week’s portion, we are told to say to ourselves: "All curses are behind us. We are starting a new year with good and only good."

Let us all enter into Rosh Hashanah with optimism and confidence. May Hashem hear our Tefillot for a year of good news, good health, happiness and meaning.

Shabbat Shalom